Novel input mechanisms and user control

Instead of writing a silly post for April fools day, I’ve instead decided to highlight some fascinating academic research from MIT that looks at novel input mechanisms and issues of user control. This paper (pdf) was published at CHI a

The Sinclair C5 Story

This lovely image from a recent Erskine Labs blog post reminded me of the charmingly tragic story of the Sinclair C5. Spurred on by his immense success in the computing industry with the ZX80, ZX81 and ZX spectrum, Clive Sinclair

Paul Graham on Simplicity

I think we all “get” simplicity these days, but nevertheless this quote from Paul Graham really sums it up: It seems strange to have to emphasize simplicity. You’d think simple would be the default. Ornate is more work. But something

New User Experience Link Blog:

You may have noticed that posts have dried a bit lately. This is mainly because I’m doing various other cool things, including working on some super-secret projects at Madgex, spending more time with my family, and watching my 18

At last, a sketchy Axure widget library

The default widget library supplied with Axure occupies an uncomfortable middle ground – it looks like it’s just badly designed high fidelity, rather than intentionally lo-fi. This sketchy Axure widget library by Kevin Wick gets around the problem by giving