Moving on.

Yesterday I quit my job at Clearleft to become an independent UX consultant. I’m going to miss this place. What I’ve loved about Clearleft is that it’s just so different to any other agency I’ve worked at. There’s no company

Imagine you’re clever

Here’s one of my favourite pieces of Educational Psychology research from the ’80s. The researcher took some kids, split them into two groups and gave them the same tests. One group was simply asked to “act as if they were

The Computer For the 21st Century

Sal awakens; she smells coffee. A few minutes ago her alarm clock, alerted by her restless rolling before waking, had quietly asked, “Coffee?” and she had mumbled, “Yes.” “Yes” and “no” are the only words it knows. Sal looks out

User Experience Euphemisms

It’s funny that the UX industry preaches plain english and transparency to our clients, yet so much of our documentation is riddled with jargon and euphemisms. Perhaps someone should put together a crib sheet? “The deliverable will be a high

Usenet – what have you become?

Usenet is 32 years old. You’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s a near-dead, cobweb-covered discussion forum platform, but actually it’s more popular today than ever before, and it’s thriving as an alternative to Bittorrent. Yes, people are using it

New mobile first site

So, this is the new look 90 Percent Of Everything. It’s responsive, it’s mobile first, I like it a lot and I hope you do too. It’s still work in progress but feel free to kick the tyres and leave

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

“Once you decide on your occupation… you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of