Dark pattern no1: The form to download the report from the 2010 conference has the closing text ‘Carefully selected third parties may contact you with relevant industry news and offers, tick here if you don’t want to receive them’ but the checkbox has the letter ‘Y’ beside it. So when scanning the page you interpret ticking the box as saying ‘Yes’ to the ‘…carefully selected third parties…’ blurb.
This irritated me.
Dark pattern no2: the post event report from the 2010 confernce was actually 2 slides with a summary paragraph and listing of attendees. Not much of a report.
Conclusion – they think I have time to spare so I will not be attending their conference!
]]>Today’s “Twifficiency” fiasco is a perfect example of dark patterns. Would have been nice if people could check them out before authorizing access.
]]>Another possible category: when you highlight or click on a website, pop up/under ads are launched in order to bypass pop up blockers.
And… Flash rollover ads that expand over a page when you mouseover them.