Comments on: Eye tracking: some thoughts from an ex eye-tracking researcher
User Experience Design, Research & Good Old Fashioned UsabilityMon, 04 Oct 2010 09:40:18 +0000
By: Clear Reporting & Critical Thinking: Why User Experience Needs to Remember its Roots in Psychology
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 09:40:18 +0000[…] Share the data: interview transcripts, data logs, everything goes into an appendix or somewhere online where people can critique it. Never hide behind percentages, and never, ever dress up small-scale qualitative usability studies as more than they really are. Even if you use an eye tracker. […]
By: Dr. Pete
Thu, 29 Nov 2007 16:17:36 +0000 post, and some great food for thought. I’m glad to see others wrestling with the relative merits of techniques and keeping an open mind. I’ve been bothered lately by the number of usability specialists who seem to cling to one technique, defending it to the death and attacking any other technique that comes along. Any tool that helps me understand my users has value, and every tool has weaknesses and should be viewed critically and user carefully.